On 2011-07-13 23:35, Jezz wrote:

"Axb" <axb.li...@gmail.com> wrote in message
On 2011-07-13 20:23, Jezz wrote:
"Axb" <axb.li...@gmail.com> wrote in message
On 2011-07-12 15:21, Jezz wrote:

So even commenting out those lines doesn't help, as the plugin still
requires the Syslog module which I don't have. :(

MDaemon uses a compiled Windows version of SpamAssassin.
The plugin has more requirements which AltN's version may not support

and possibly LWP::UserAgent

You'll most probably be better off asking Mouk of AltN (if he's still
there) to add DecodeShortURL support in their package.

You could also hack the hell out of the plugin to remove all those
MDameon's Beta mailing list may get you further.


Hmm - but the way I understand the plugin, the SQLite and UserAgent
packages are only optional packages for the plugin, not mandatory as the
Syslog package is. And I'm not getting any lint errors regarding the
SQLite and UserAgent packages either, which (I would assume) indicates
that they are not a problem. Surely they would pop up as errors when I
do a lint, if they were mandatory requirements and I didn't have them in
my compilation of SpamAssassin?

LWP is what the plugin uses to fetch the web site so if you don't have that available it won't work at all.
if MDaemon provides a port of sa-update LWP may be supported

shot in the dark:

what happens if you comment out as:
# use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);

Calling SteveF... would you hack syslog out of the plugin for Win32 users?


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