Hi folks,
I've been getting a bit of spam lately that is slipping easily past my SpamAssassin - mostly "work from home" stuff that is just plain text and a single URL which uses a URL shortening service, and it doesn't hit on much.

I've tried to add the DecodeShortURLs plugin (from http://www.fsl.com/support/DecodeShortURLs.pm and http://www.fsl.com/support/DecodeShortURLs.cf) which I think/hope will help a lot with detecting the spammy URLs.

However, when I tried to impliment this plugin, I discovered that it requires the Sys::Syslog module, and I don't have that module included on my system. The reason is that I'm running SpamAssassin on Windows, as part of the Windows-based MDaemon mail server. And I guess the MDaemon developers didn't include the Syslog module as it's obviously not a required module for Windows usage (at least not with their implimentation of SpamAssassin).

So my question is this: is there any way I can get the DecodeShortURLs plugin working without the Syslog module requirement? Eg. can I get this plugin to only view Syslog as an optional and not mandatory prerequisite? I certainly don't need the Syslog functionality of this plugin, and the plugin itself allows me to "turn off" Syslog logging by adding "url_shortener_syslog 0" to the .cf file. Yet it seems to still require the Syslog module in order to work (otherwise I get errors when I run a lint check).

Any suggestions??


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