* Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>:
> >* Marc Perkel <supp...@junkemailfilter.com>:
> >>Just sharing some ideas on blocking outbound spam.
> On 20.08.11 21:55, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> >- We require humans to use submission instead of smtp
> How do you (want to) enforce this? Or is it just contractual requirement?

It is a contractual requirement enforced by technical architecture.

We use Postfix and its postscreen daemon. The daemon uses blacklists do decide
it it wants to hand down the client connection to the Postfix SMTP server
smtpd. This is very efficient to fight incoming spam, but the way it works it
also kills MUAs from (blacklisted) dial-up networks. The solution is to route
local senders to submission and not have the postscreen daemon monitor that
port. Customers adopt that once they find out it works flawlessly AND the
receive less spam. We benefit from it having all local senders on a special
port where we can run special SMTP and content policies.

> >- German laws forbid looking at content without local senders consent.
> does this apply for virus filtering too?

Nope. In context of virii the organizational interest to protect the
organization overrule personal interests.

> >When we look at the SMTP session we MUST NOT log anything that leads back to
> >the real person or lets us track the person down. If we log we use hashes to
> >destroy a trackable connection.
> I thought that the EU requires providers to log the sender and
> recipient... so you log their hashes instead of e-mail addresses?

talking about laws without being a lawyer ...

To my knowledge the whole field of data retention is a moving target. IIRC
ISPs are required to keep log data for a given period, but they must not keep
deep traces without reason. Reason would be a federal inquiry that orders you
to log everything from the connection until disconnect.

In general, in Germany, we must not collect any data unless there is a reason.
If we start collecting data for statistics we break that principle. To get
around that we destroy the backward link to an identity


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