On 9/1/2011 10:23 AM, J4K wrote:
> Hi there,
>     I've got these two rules in the local.cf. 
> describe PRIVATE_RULE1 English language job opportunity
> body     __PR1        /(Employment opportunity|Job offer match, respond
> to apply|Employment you've been searching|Job opportunity|Career
> opportunity inside|Position opening in your area|Work offer
> inside|Vacancy - apply online|Job ad - see details! Sent through  Search
> engine|Get a New Job Today|Working Part Time|Virtual Manager Vacancy)/i
> uri      __PR2  /(aaaa\.(com|net)|bbbb\.(com|net)|cccc\.com)/i
> meta     PRIVATE_RULE1 (__PR1 && __PR2)
> score    PRIVATE_RULE1 2.5
> describe PRIVATE_PHONICA2 Opt-out mailing list will not honour
> un-subscriptions.
> body     __PP1        /(New Release Update)/i
> uri      __PP2  /(pppp\.com|gggg\.com)/i
> meta     PRIVATE_PHONICA2 (__PR1 && __PR2)
> score    PRIVATE_PHONICA2 0.1
> Spamassassin -D -lint records this:
> Sep  1 15:45:56.313 [11484] dbg: rules: PRIVATE_PHONICA2 merged
> duplicates: PRIVATE_RULE1
> What is this really telling me, and why is there a connection between
> the two rules? 
> I think that these don't anyway, because I have not yet seen these in a
> test message containing the domains nor bodies.

Because they are duplicates:

meta     PRIVATE_RULE1 (__PR1 && __PR2)
meta     PRIVATE_PHONICA2 (__PR1 && __PR2)

It looks like the second one is supposed to be:

meta     PRIVATE_PHONICA2 (__PP1 && __PP2)


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