On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:07:55 +0200, Lars Jørgensen wrote:

Not sure if this is the correct forum, but google couldn't help me
(or I am too low on caffeine).

I get a lot of spam that would have been flagged as such, but a bayes
score of -1.9 pulls it down to hammy status.

I train Bayes manually on the borderline cases, but also have
auto-learning enabled. Is that really a bad idea? Should I disable it,
delete the bayes-databases and start over on manual-only learning?

no training is always good, its more like that bayes is unsure thats the problem, when it autolearn it does it on whole content/headers, so the more heders/content there is scanning of the better bayes can track what you want as ham/spam

what score are you learning on ?, default is -0.1 and 12.0, i have changed them here to -4 and 14

what plugins have you enabled ?

3dr party rules or just default sa 3.3.2 ?

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