On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 15:36 +0000, Sharma, Ashish wrote:
> I want to create a report of sample emails with the spam scores
> generated in accordance with permissible limits after deploying the
> spamassassin updated rulesets.
> For that I am trying out on a shell script providing with my test
> email messages
I do something similar, but keep my test messages as separate text files
in a directory because I find that easier to manage. I do approximately
this on a computer that's entirely separate from my mail host and runs
its own copy of spamd so I can mess around with its rule sets and
configuration without upsetting the live copy of SA. The testing SA runs
in effectively the same configuration as my live SA because the test rig
has an identical set of SA config files: when I'm happy with the test
operation I export the entire set of configuration files to the live
system and then restart spamd. Here's the guts of the test system:

for f in testdata/*.txt
    spamc <testdata/$f | grep '^X-spam-status: ' >>result.txt
analysis_prog result.txt
rm result.txt

My analysis program is an awk script: that or Perl are probably the
weapons of choice for writing this type of program.

You probably need to feed the messages to amavis-new since it is
creating a special header, rather than to spamc/spamd as I do, but I
question whether your command line is right since amavis has direct
access to the Perl modules that make up spamassassin. 

Disclaimer: the previous paragraph contains almost everything I know
about amavis-new. 

Somebody else may be able to help with the amavis-new command line, but
not me since I don't use it. What I do know is that Postfix passes a
message at a time to spamc/spamd so its entirely probable it does the
same with amavis-new if you're running that as a Postfix service. 


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