On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 13:37 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a list of the error codes?
> running normally for years called from cron bash script, I am moving
> it to cron perl script (for lots of reasons and other things), run
> from console it works, but run from cron it fails, exits with 256
> (assumed exit code 1 ), tried backticks and system calls to it, always
> with full path, only way it runs is from shell, is there something in
> that hidden that runs from an assumed path that its not going to get
> from cron?
> cheers

Replying to ones self is not good... or maybe I ought to have had that
cupa tea break earlier...

sa-compile assumes   qx(re2c ....

this does not consider alternative locations, such as those who install
re2c from source to default location, being  /usr/local/bin
put the path in there and it runs fine...

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