> Why bug such people unless their product IS vulnerable? Note that this
> seems
> to be an email trying to get people who have a "vulnerable" browser to
> click
> a specific link. I'd expect that link to be loaded with a zero day or the
> likes that the browser exhibits.
> I figured people here with their basic interest in security might know of
> vulnerable browsers to make progressing to the next logical steps easy. I
> am
> somewhat surprised NOBODY here seems to know.
> {^_^}

I guess I'm confused why you think this is a vulnerability...  It's
simply another way to represent an IP address that browsers grok.
Is it obfuscation?  Sure.  But hell, for the average internet user,
a NON-obfuscated IP address is cryptic enough.  ;)  This is just
another way to do it...


PS:  My Firefox (8.0) and my IE (8.0.whatever.build) both retrieved
an HTML document, or at least presented an "empty" one with only
a header.

"Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat
with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state
of quantum indecision."           -- Unknown

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