On 12/12/11 12:03 PM, "Jeremy McSpadden" <jer...@fluxlabs.net> wrote:

> Thank you! I raised this question a few months ago and was in awe that it was
> enabled by default. It has caused quite a few issues that i've seen around the
> ML. They should return a different value than a negative score.

Can I ask you a fairly blunt question?

What action could they have taken that would have caused you to notice that
you were engaging in abusive miss-use of their service by continuing to
forward your requests through google?

I'm quite serious.  DNSBLs have this problem of never being able to get rid
of the queries from sources that appear to be abusive.  What can be done so
that a part-time admin will take notice and fix their equipment?  A log
message?  Special header in every e-mail?  Change the subject line to "you
have Spamassassin integrated wrong!"?  Or a visit from Guido and some of the
boys, trying to make an offer you can't refuse?

In this case, they moved you to action by causing your customers some grief.
That made you look into the issue, get guidance that you really need to run
a local recursive caching DNS server in order to get clear answers from
DNSBLs, and then I imagine you fixed the problem.  How else could they have
let you know?

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

> Very bad design. 
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 11:58 AM, <dar...@chaosreigns.com>
>  wrote:
>> Tomorrow's sa-update will include disabling of the DNSWL rules.  If you
>> wish to locally enable them with the same scores which had previously been

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