Am 11.01.2012 12:57, schrieb --[ UxBoD ]--:
> The type of SPAM we are seeing is where legit companies are having their 
> adverts cloned and the hyperlinks changed to spammy sites. Bayes is being 
> by-passed due to the content looking valid so it is coming down to the IPs 
> and domains. Had one yesterday where at 06:39 it was received by one of our 
> clients and at 06:42 it appeared on one of the RBLs.  I am guessing that it 
> must have been a huge spam mailing that hit a lot of honeypots and people all 
> at once. Downside is not a happy client ;(

dont top post

i am not seeing any relevant spam wave at now at my servers
mostly everybody has its own spam, analyse your logs to find out what
might fit best on your setup to filter that spam

dont add blindly rbls in hope this helps by magic

spam is normal these days
only the unfiltered spam quota , and false positive spam quota is mostly
relevant, this should be small as possible, but there will ever be spam
bypass filters, react on that, with fitting targetting actions is your
job as postmaster

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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