Martin Gregorie <> wrote:

> Example: Confirmations from Travelocity contain a 28 KB comment.

BUT is that comment between <html> and <body> tags in a Travelocity
confirmation? It is in the example mail and, since I've never see a
comment there in mail or or on a web page this seemed like a fairly
safe thing to trigger on.

No, it was inside <body> .. </body> at least.  We noticed it a couple
of years ago, and I have only a note on file about it being 28 KB,
without an example.  I don't remember exactly what was in it, but it
was some kind of content that seemed to be about the reservation.

Most likely comment before body begins is unique to spam, but... you
never know.  It sounds like valid html so some web programmer might
find a reason to put it in mail output.

Now <style> ... </style> with garbage in it is interesting.  That
would never be in real mail.  Or so you'd think!

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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