Il 27/02/2012 15:12, Sandro Tosi ha scritto:
our mail setup is kinda different than usual configuration: we have a
lot of mailboxes all owned by a single userid. The directories tree is
composed using a prefix, an elaboration of the domain name (domain.ext
-> ext/d/o/m/domain), and then the local part.

We would like to allow each mailbox (which maps to an email account) to
specify the spam preferences and let the MTA (qmail in this case) scan
the email at SMTP session.

Can we do that with spamassassin 3.3.2 ?

Thanks for your help,

Hi Sandro,

for your configuration the best options is to use Per-User Preferences via SQL instead of plain text file in every single mailbox.

When a remote server open an SMTP connetion with your qmail you can call an alternative qmail-queue wrapper that will run

"spamc -u email@domain"

for every recipients, spamd will read user preferences via SQL.

We use this configuration in many qmail installation with virtual users (vpopmail, LDAP, SQL) where all mailboxes are owned from the same ID and works fine also with a huge number of users.

Plus, you can use user preferences in SQL for build custom interfaces or read it from external appliance.

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