On 04 Mar 2012, at 12:57 , John Hardin wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Mar 2012, jdow wrote:
>> On 2012/03/04 10:30, LuKreme wrote:
>>> On 04 Mar 2012, at 05:36 , xTrade Assessory wrote:
>>> >  question is if necessary ...
>>> Being able to train mis-tagged spam is necessary, yes. I don’t see
>>> anyway to process a message in a maildir and then move that message.
>>> How would you do it?
>> bash script with for each on the directory. Train then delete each file in 
>> sequence.
> I'd suggest that it's a bad idea to delete your training corpus.

Yeah, I never said anything about deleting.

Trouble with simply moving the messages about in the shell between Maildirs is 
that the courier files don’t get updated properly. 

Criticizing evolutionary theory because Darwin was limited is like
claiming computers don't work because Chuck Babbage didn't foresee Duke
Nukem 3.

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