On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas wrote:

I am receiving to many emails (spam) containing the same FROM  EQ TO

Initially tried to use SPF but spfquery  returns 'NONE' and I couldĀ“t score it, 
so  I ended up with the following  rules and so far working fine:

header   __TOM_TO_EQ_FRa ALL =~ m/^From:\s+?<?(.+@.+)>?(\s|$)[^\0]*^To:.*\1/m
header   __TOM_TO_EQ_FRb ALL =~ m/^To:\s+?<?(.+@.+)>?(\s|$)[^\0]*^From:.*\1/m
meta     TOM_TO_EQ_FR __TOM_TO_EQ_FRa || __TOM_TO_EQ_FRb
score    TOM_TO_EQ_FR 2.5
describe TOM_TO_EQ_FR To and From are the same, could be a cc or a forgery

There are already a bunch of "To = From" rules:


They aren't performing very well against the current masscheck corpora, but then spam levels are a little low.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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  • TOM_TO_EQ_FR Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas
    • Re: TOM_TO_EQ_FR John Hardin

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