Coming to this a few months late provides some... interesting

On 24 Apr 2012, xTrade Assessory uttered the following:
> Martin Gregorie wrote:
>> But back to banking? In the UK, anyway, you don't need to be either
>> intelligent or have any industry qualifications to run a bank. Back in
>> 2007 or thereabouts a quiz master asked what was the difference
>> between: 
>> - the CEO who bankrupted the Northern Rock Building Society
>> - the CEO who bankrupted the Royal Bank of Scotland
>> - the boss of Barclays (I think - might have been the Co-OP Bank)
>> - Terry Wogan, who was a well-known radio presenter at the time. 
>> The answer was that the only one of them with any banking qualifications
>> was Terry Wogan.
> media jokes certainly are not a good base for classification :)

Perhaps not. I think the near-ruination of the world economy, the
near-bankrupting of numerous rich states, and now the hilarious RBS
epic computing disaster and long-running but now-exploding LIBOR rigging
scandal put a slightly different tone on things.

It's not only a quiz show host to figured that Bob Diamond shouldn't be
running a major bank. It's the chairman of the Bank of England (oh, the
FSA too).

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