Thank you, KAM.

I will take a look at those URLs, appreciated.

John, that is what I am looking to do and that is why I thought that SA
could have a rule for this. I will read the info that KAM sent.

Best Regards,


On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:22 PM, John Hardin <> wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Aug 2012, Sergio wrote:
>  My server is not Open Relayed and it has SPF and DOMAINKEYS in it and
>> that is working great. The problem is when a hacker has obtained the
>> password from an account, so, it can send emails authenticating with the
>> account that has been compromised. When a hacker has access to an account
>> (I am almost sure that any one on the list has seen this), he sends emails
>> but the FROM is changed to something that is not a domain on the server,
>> that is what I am looking to stop.
> That is indeed considered a subcase of open relay. There should be a list
> of domains that control whether mail is accepted by an MTA, such that
> ({domain in list} -> {any}) is accepted, and {{any} -> {domain in list}) is
> accepted, and anything else is rejected.
> --
>  John Hardin KA7OHZ                    
>    FALaholic #11174     pgpk -a
>  key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> -----------
>  An operating system design that requires a system reboot in order to
>  install a document viewing utility does not earn my respect.
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> -----------
>  8 days until the 1933rd anniversary of the destruction of Pompeii

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