On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:33:56 +0100
Ned Slider wrote:

> # Fedex
> header                __LOCAL_FROM_FEDEX      Return-Path:addr
> =~ /\@fedex\.com$/i meta
> LOCAL_SPF_FEDEX               ((SPF_SOFTFAIL || SPF_FAIL) &&
> Fedex SPF Fail
> and if I want to make sure all the legit fedex mail gets through I
> can further whitelist mail from fedex that passes SPF
> whitelist_from_spf    *@fedex.com
> whitelist_from_spf    *@*.fedex.com
> and that will virtually guarantee all the spam/viruses claiming to be 
> from fedex are blocked and all the legitimate mail from fedex gets 
> through.

Provided that SPF hasn't been broken by email forwarding.

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