Ram wrote:
> When I ask users to send misclassified mails ( FN or FP )  as an
> attachment , they often dont get it right.
> Also attaching from outlook , windows live mail etc is a big pain

Outlook is not Windows Live Mail.

Backend code rewrites notwithstanding, Windows Live Mail (Windows
7/Vista?) ~~ Windows Mail (Vista) ~~ Outlook Express (XP and older), and
all versions of these that I've met Do The Right Thing by simply
right-clicking on the message in the message list, then clicking
"Forward as attachment".  It's still up to the user to enter the right
reporting address but it's not *completely* impossible to train users
(or ISP customers) to do this.

For outlook, short of a (custom) plugin, the best-effort result we've
found seems to be either:
- Select message, go to "Actions -> Forward as attachment"
or for Outlook 14 (2010?):
- Open the message, click "Other actions" in the actions header row,
then "Forward as attachment".


If the phase of the moon is right.


If you've got the option of setting up an IMAP folder to simply drag
messages into, that's probably a far better way to go.  I'd suggest a
per-user arrangement so it's easier to respond back to the right person
to say "No, really, this is legitimate, please unsub if you don't want
to keep receiving it".

There are a number of plugins for Outlook for reporting to specific
services, or for handling spam filtering locally;  I'm not aware of any
generic ones that can be set up with a custom reporting address.


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