From: "umeca74" <>

RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
[ listed in]

Your IP ( is: looks like a dynamic home user subscriber line (adsl, cable, dialup).

PBL contains ranges of IP addresses that should never send e-mail directly to other domains. You should use Otenet's SMTP service offered with your subscription as a relay host (smart host), or rent a dedicated server/VPS in a colo as an alternative.

Or get in touch with Otenet in order to acquire a customer fixed IP address, and have them setting the reverse of this IP address to a hostname in a domain you own.

(BTW if you want to send me a reply, I would block your message for that reason. Hosts listed in are not allowed to talk. Stick with Hotmail.)

Frédéric De Mees

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