On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:


I have checked the suggested rules like this:

header FROM_FORM      From =~ /spamadmin\@ngtech.co.il/i
score FROM_FORM -0.1

body __HBRW_ENCODING /charset=\"windows-1255\"/

The fact that the charset= isn't a body part has already been mentioned.

score __HBRW_ENCODING -0.1

Subrules (those beginning with __) are not scored. Those score lines have no effect, and should probably be removed to avoid confusion that they actually *do* have an effect.

body   __HBRW_CHARS    /[\xC0-\xCB\xCD-\xDB\xDF-\xFB]?/
score __HBRW_CHARS -0.1

tflags __HBRW_CHARS    multiple
body   __TOTAL_CHARS  /[\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x80-\xFF]?/
score __TOTAL_CHARS -0.1
#body   __TOTAL_CHARS   /\S/

tflags __TOTAL_CHARS   multiple

#since there is a possibility of dividing by zero I added the + 1 which suppose to be harmless in this kind email sizes.
meta   __HBRW_PCT      ( (__HBRW_CHARS * 100) / (__TOTAL_CHARS + 1 ) )
score __HBRW_PCT -0.1

#tried this to make sure one thing or another dosn't work.

# disabled after the basic tests didn't worked.
# meta   HBRW_SPAM       (__HBRW_PCT < 1) && FROM_FROM && __HBRW_ENCODING
score HBRW_SPAM 10.3

Typo. s/b FROM_FORM. Perhaps that's why this version of the rule didn't work.

Suggestion: when doing rule development, always run a lint test. See the SpamAssassin man page for details.

That would also tell you whether the math and the less-than comparison are syntactically valid.

The only part which is being logged by SA in headers is the FROM_FORM rule.

Right. The only way to see whether subrules hit is to run SA in debug mode with the "--debug area=rules" option

X-Spam-Status: No, score=2.322 tagged_above=2 required=6.2
         tests=[FROM_FORM_IL=-0.1, FROM_ILLEGAL_CHARS=2.059,
         NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP=0.001, RDNS_DYNAMIC=0.363, SPF_PASS=-0.001]

so i'm kind of do not understand what's wrong.
I have tried couple ways to find Hebrew encoding.
I understood it's a part of the body and not a header so, maybe there is something I dont understand or know about it?

The typo is the most obvious problem. Second is looking for the encoding in the body, as it *is* a header, either in the main message headers or in a MIME body part header.

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