Damn, I thought I had you in my junk list - play nice spammer and keep
one address?

On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:34:15 -0800, Marc Perkel
<supp...@junkemailfilter.com> wrote:

>OK - I'm getting mass checking set up and working. I'm still in the 
>testing phase.
>Right now the process of selecting spam and ham is automated. It's not 
>manually selected. Is that a problem?
>I'm only including email streams that I'm sure of. The spam comes from 
>sources that are on multiple black lists, URIBL links, and committed 
>other sins that only spammers do, and SA scores over 15.. The white list 
>is from 100% trusted sources. Eventually I hope to include some hand 
>sorting of messages in the middle but for now these are extreme ham and 
>Looks like it takes me 70 minutes to process 46k messages. I'll probably 
>process 100k messages nightly and they will all be fresh.
>Right now I'm going through to verify the ham and spam just to ensure 
>it's accurate and doesn't contain anything that shouldn't be there. Not 
>reading every message but not finding any errors.
>Looking for advice at this point about anything I should be doing that 
>I'm not, or any useful feedback.

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