On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 07:52:15 -0700 (PDT)
John Hardin <jhar...@impsec.org> wrote:

> >> Have you considered TCP Tarpitting instead of just blocking them?
> >> Blocking them doesn't actually *punish* them. Getting their MTAs
> >> *stuck* for hours or days does.

> > IMO, tarpitting is useless.  When you have hundreds, thousands or
> > more compromised zombie computers at your disposal, you're not even
> > going to notice tarpitting.

> How likely is a repeat offender to be a zombie?

Very.  It'll be the same offender, but most likely a different zombie.

> It seems to me that greylisting and TCP tarpitting catch both sides
> of the problem. Greylisting blocks junk from the single-attempt
> zombies, and TCP tarpitting will catch the ones who are persistent
> offenders.

In my opinion, greylisting is worth the tradeoff because it actually works;
I have data to back that up.  I do not have data to show that tarpitting
does any good and my gut feeling is that it doesn't.

> We can't solve the problem completely with this, so it's not worth
> the effort to *reduce* the problem?

Again in my opinion, tarpitting doesn't even reduce the problem
measurably.  Do you have data to show that tarpitting is actually



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