SA is letting mail thru as ham that should be spam apparently based on
what is too low a score (for my mail) for URIBL_JP_SURBL which was
1.9 by default.

I pushed it up to 4.

But then I see a report that shows a total score of 4.9 when
 4.0 is shown for URIBL_JP_SURBL
 1.0 is shown for SPF_SOFTFAIL

But the total score is 4.9.
-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      -------- 
I assumed it had something to do with rounding or something so I
increased the score to 4.1 to get that message to break the spam level
of 5.

Now the same mail shows a total of 5.1

 4.1 is shown for URIBL_JP_SURBL
 1.0 is shown for SPF_SOFTFAIL

So what happened..? in one case a point (.1) is dropped and in the
other it is not.

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