Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
> --On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:58 PM -0400 Kris Deugau
> <kdeu...@vianet.ca> wrote:
>> Only select headers have URIs extracted and passed to the DNS lookups;
>> I don't *think* Received: or Message-Id: are included.  I've been
>> surprised now and then discovering a URI that *was* extracted from a
>> header.  Otherwise all URI lookups are done on URIs found in the message
>> body.
> Ok, but the message body specifically has multiple links to pumpery.com.
> So why didn't it get scored?  That's what I don't understand. ;)

<g>  Well, you didn't post the message body...

*Usually* that indicates that the URI wasn't listed when the message was
originally processed, but checking again even 10-15 minutes later it is.
 This is tricky to confirm unless you have enough access to the raw URI
lists to know when the URI was added.

Post a complete example on pastebin - maybe there was something odd in
the message structure that caused the URIs to be skipped, but I can't
say I've ever seen one.  SA goes to great lengths to mimic the idiocy
that many mail clients go to in picking URIs out of the message.  Bad
grammar/typing with something like "... for dinner.It was ..." is enough
to cause "dinner.it" to get looked up, so it's much more likely the URI
simply wasn't listed when the message was first scanned.

Run the complete message through "spamassassin -D uridnsbl <message" -
you should get a line like:

Oct 23 16:57:24.845 [12772] dbg: uridnsbl: domains to query:

(hopefully with a list of URIs to actually query)


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