On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Marc Perkel
<supp...@junkemailfilter.com> wrote:
> Just wondering if any real people are there or if it's totally automated.
> They have several of our IP addresses listed and delisting doesn't seem to
> work. We're a spam filtering company (Junk Email Filter) and if we fail to
> block a spam it can appear we are the source.
      Check the log files for clues. At least with me once I found
that a mail server I was responsible for was blacklisted, checking at
both the site that blacklisted us and the mail logs was enough to find
which user did the deed.

> Anyone know anyone there?
> --
> Marc Perkel - Sales/Support
> supp...@junkemailfilter.com
> http://www.junkemailfilter.com
> Junk Email Filter dot com
> 415-992-3400

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