Some spam has been matching the rule RP_MATCHES_RCVD which is worth -2.8 
points. I wanted to look at this rule, so I went to 
/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin and gripped for the name, but no hits.

Where's the rule defined? I thought there was a rules folder, but the only one 
I can find it one in the source for SA 3.0 (`locate`).

 # find /usr/local -name "*cf"  | grep -v postfix

/usr/local/share/spamassassin contains a template, a txt file of the public 
key., and a file named languages, no rules.

/usr/share/spamassassin does not exist

SpamAssasin version is 3.3.2

He was Igor, son of Igor, nephew of several Igors, brother of Igors and
cousin of more Igors than he could remember without checking up in his
diary. Igors did not change a winning formula. {Footnote: Especially if
it was green, and bubbled.}

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