On 02/06/2014 12:38 PM, Torge Husfeldt wrote:
Hi List,

recently, we're experiencing very high loads on our spamassassin-cluster.
What struck us in the search for a possible culprits were the recent
addition of the tests named

All of which haver extremely low scores in our contect (nonet, nobayes).
 From our point of view it would be favorable to have such expensive
tests in a separate *.cf-file as this makes it much easier to omit them
in the rollout-process.


score SINGLE_HEADER_3K                      0.001 3.011 0.001 3.011
score SINGLE_HEADER_4K                      0.001 1.979 0.001 1.979

are being are being autopromoted from a committer's sandbox

Please open a bug.

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