On 3/14/2014 5:00 PM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
> Which is the best repo to use for SpamAssassin?

Well, for simplicity, RPMForge is probably the easiest, even if it
doesn't have the latest versions.  Latest CentOS6 x64 version is 3.3.1.

I use the following includepkgs= line in my
/etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo file.

includepkgs=amavisd-new spamassass* clam* perl* lha zoo ripole unrar
cabextract altermime freeze arc unarj p7zip nomarch

I suggest that you do the same for any other 3rd party repo.  Only bring
in the absolute minimums.  That way if someone uploads a new version of
something that is already on your system, you won't end up being
upgraded without choosing it yourself.

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