Interesting, thanks for pointing it out

This syntax has been used in a while by some other software, like JIRA, RT, … 
so not something new.

In general, I would say spamassassin needs a few extra rules to now handle 
domain reputation/blocking (as it seems this is where we are going), I even 
found some rules are not IPv6 aware.

I’m looking for some free time to write such rules and provide them to the 
community, I think the focus was helping mailman first. ;)

On Apr 24, 2014, at 3:52 AM, Michael Storz <> wrote:

> Since Yahoo and AOL have moved to a DMARC policy of reject, mail senders are 
> changing the way they are sending their emails. Instead of using the email 
> address of an user in RFC5322.From they use their own address and put the 
> address of the user in the Reply-To field. FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO fires on 
> these emails and produce false positives.
> From examples taken from log lines of amavisd:
> From: GIVENNAME_SURNAME_via_LinkedIn_<> (dkim:AUTHOR)
> From: NAME_via_Dropbox_<> (dkim:AUTHOR)
> Since more and more such emails will occur, for example all web forms will 
> send their emails in this way, the rule does not make sense anymore.
> -- 
> Michael

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