On 22.05.2014 13:10, Axb wrote:
have you included this in your local.cf ?

bayes_store_module  Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis

These are the relevant configuration lines for the
Redis SA module:

bayes_store_module  Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis
bayes_sql_dsn       server=;password=mypass;database=2
bayes_token_ttl 21d
bayes_seen_ttl   8d
bayes_auto_expire 1

On 22.05.2014 13:12, Axb wrote:

what happens if you don't use authentication?

It looks like the problem lies in the authentication.
When I have tried with an empty 'password=' (after
disabling the requirepass in the redis.conf) I have
got the following messages: (I have included empty
lines for the sake of readbility):

dbg: bayes: learner_new self=Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayes=HASH(0x3cc14c0), bayes_store_module=Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis

dbg: bayes: learner_new: got store=Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis=HASH(0x42161c0)

dbg: plugin: Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayes=HASH(0x3cc14c0) implements 'learner_is_scan_available', priority 0

dbg: bayes: _open_db(not yet connected)

dbg: bayes: Redis on-connect, db_id 2

dbg: bayes: CLIENT SETNAME command failed, don't worry, possibly an old redis version: ERR Syntax error, try CLIENT (LIST | KILL ip:port)

dbg: bayes: redis server version 2.4.14, memory used 6.8 MiB, Lua is not available

dbg: bayes: initialized empty database, version 3

dbg: bayes: nspam_nham_get nspam=0, nham=0

dbg: bayes: not available for scanning, only 0 spam(s) in bayes DB < 200

Of course this is just the initial test, so I do not have enough
bayes data. The 'CLIENT SETNAME' error is probably due to my old
Redis version but other than that it looks fine.

I will try again with the authentication enabled and see if
I stumble in the same problem as before.

Best regards,

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