On 06/07/2014 01:09 PM, hospice admin wrote:
I was wondering about this one and had put it to one side until I had
a chance to look at the memory implications in more detail. We run a
VM infrastructure here, so I'll load it up on one server and keep
throwing resources at it until I have something approaching

my Redis DB's memory usage
# Memory

the peak is used when Reids dumps the DB to file, every N minutes.
To do this, a second Redis server instance is started and does the dump so if you think your Bayes DB will be 4GB... double that (at least) for safety. If the box starts swapping hard it will all become incredibly slow or even crash/feed.

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      14262652    8116144    6146508          0     151260    1349872
-/+ buffers/cache:    6615012    7647640
Swap:      2046968      10396    2036572

An almost related item ... have you found the 'RelayCountry' plugin
to be worth the effort?
Due to the nature of my traffic I see little use for it.

Ff you mainly deal with regional traffic it's probably worth trying.

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