--As of June 20, 2014 2:05:04 PM +0100, Timothy Murphy is alleged to have said:

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:52:59 PM Ian Zimmerman wrote:

Axb> Dovecot's Sieve is your friend. (replaces procmail)

Not really, not in this context. OP is using procmail merely as a LDA.
And in that capacity, is is replaced by the LDA that comes with dovecot.
On my debian system, it is /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda.

Thanks for the response. (I am the OP.)
Did you mean that procmail _can_ be replaced by dovecot-lda,
or that that is done _automatically_?

Can be, as you are seeing.

On my CentOS-6.5 system, I have /usr/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda
but I don't see any evidence that it is replacing procmail .
I get procmail by appending
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -f- -a "$USER"
to /etc/postfix/main.cf .
Is there something similar I could append instead to use dovecot-lda?

Incidentally, nobody really answered my original query -
I don't see why SA couldn't divert spam to a spam-folder,
instead of adding a header?
That would seem much simpler to me.

Mostly because it's designed as a filter: It's not operating on a file, it's operating on a message. That message may be from a file, from the mail system, or from some mail store. It might be going to any of the above. 'Divert spam to a spam-folder' can mean a *lot* of different things, under different circumstances. It can mean writing a file to a folder, it can mean appending to a file, it can mean inserting into a database, etc. And what if (like me) you want some spam in one folder and some in another? Or something else?

At the end of the day, delivering mail to the user is the job of the LDA, and it's best to let it do it's job. SA does the 'simple' thing and provides the LDA with the information it needs. Or whatever part of the mail system it's talking to - SA doesn't have to be used on an end system either, it can be part of a filter in the middle of processing/forwarding mail.

Writing to a spam-folder makes one use-case simpler, but only the one, and it makes many others harder. (And you'd still have to work out what is meant by 'folder'.) Making it an option just makes SA more complicated, especially if you try to cover all possible cases.

As a filter SA is simple to use, implement, and deploy. It's usable in a wide variety of situations, including ones the devs never thought of or hear about. Writing to a folder would be limiting and complex.

Daniel T. Staal

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