OK. So I replaced pyzor with a dash script to run it under strace and log the output to to a file. What it was complaining about was (drum roll, please) the permissions on /home/pyzor/servers. Which is odd, because I'm pretty sure I set that file to be world readable and world writable for testing purposes. But when I checked again it was owned by root with 600 permissions.

If we assume that I had a temporary brain aneurysm or mini-stroke or something when I thought I was doing that, it explains both why it wasn't working then, and why it wasn't working with aliases earlier, since aliases don't have home directories to even have servers files with permissions on them.

Or perhaps I didn't have a brain stroke, and those permissions changed. I'll be monitoring that. But at least I'm past the "it doesn't work and I have no idea why" stage. And that's very nice, indeed.

-Steve Bergman

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