On 7/10/2014 12:31 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
You didn't read your own code of ethics.

It states if you have a bias, you disclose it.  David HAD a bias in his
original post and DID NOT disclose it.  He DID subsequently disclose
that bias AFTER I had called him on it and I commend him for it.

This is the problem with codes of ethics - it's exceedingly difficult to
write a code of ethnics that makes it possible to beat someone over the head who is being ethical - but is being ethical in a way that is insulting.

Now, if you would like to discuss the ACTUAL ethical issue instead of
trying to use your code to beat me over the head because you didn't
like the tone of my response - great!

Otherwise, seems to me that I'm not the only one on a high horse
this morning....
Your continued attacks on upstanding members of the anti-spam community serve little purpose. Let's focus on stopping spammers.

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