On 21.08.2014 09:20, Michael wrote:

So that means, that actually I do not have to do any action on newly
created users. Once they retrain their first message, the Bayes entries
are getting created. Before that, Bayes is not used for that user. Is
that correct?

Yes, I would say it correct. To start using the bayesian filter SA needs
at least to classify 200 spam and ham email otherwise the BAYES_* rules
will not trigger

What about the autolearn functionality? Where are these infos getting
stored? Is it also stored in the Bayes tables? What happens, if they are
not yet "initialised"?

About the autolearning feature you can read about that here:


And about the info stored into the DB by SA you can take a look here:



Quoting Matteo Dessalvi <mte...@yahoo.it>:


I did test a similar configuration a while ago and had the same problem.
If you take a look at this thread on the mailing list:


you'll see it was a problem of running 'sa-learn --sync' as the user
who is running the test.

Best regards,

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