On 31 Aug 2014, at 14:46 , Ian Zimmerman <i...@buug.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Aug 2014 19:59:53 -0600,
> LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:
> RW> This may run into shell argument limits if you have to learn a lot
> RW> of spam. Consider piping the output of find to xargs, or using -exec
> RW> ...{} + in find.
> LuKreme> Yes, I tried to do that, but as I said in my first post, if I
> LuKreme> do the find as part of the sa-learn command, then it stall when
> LuKreme> the find command returns null.
> xargs (the GNU one at least) has an option to not run the inferior when
> there are no args to give it.

The interior is the find:

This was my original command:

sa-learn --ham -u ${i} `find /home/${i}/Maildir/.notspam -type f -mtime -7`

Which stalls if find returns nothing. I am not seeing how xargs would help this.

(FreeBSD xargs never runs the command if the input is empty)

'I really should talk to him, sir. He's had a near-death experience!'
'We all do. It's called living.'

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