On 9/2/2014 3:54 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 02.09.2014 um 12:37 schrieb Ted Mittelstaedt:
On 9/2/2014 2:16 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
and here you prove again that it don't work really out-of-the-box
because if i have to look all day long in my spam folder because
a noticeable part of my legit mail lands there it *do not work*

Are you one of those idiot users?  No.  But, you are NOT the average
Internet user, your NOT Google's target market, they don't want you on
their service, bitching to them about your FP's and them putting
your ham in the junk folder

Your doing the usual techie thing which is to assume that since your a
techie that everyone selling anything on the Internet wants to market
and sell to you

this is a *technical list*

if you are not a sysadmin preapre and configure SA you are just
not the audience - what is so hard to understand that this is
typical *server software* and no "non-techie" ever should setup
a public server

given what damage one can do with a wrong configured MTA it should
be even forbidden by law to setup one without prove the knowledge
before and guess what: in that case 20-30% of spam would disappear
from one day to the next

No argument there my point to him is that he's not thinking about
how the typical user is viewing their email service.


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