Dave Pooser wrote:
> >Dave> At $DAYJOB we export the spam folder (and a ham folder for FPs)
> >Dave> via NFS and mount them on the frontline SA servers for sa-learn.
> >
> >Doesn't that smell of locking issues?
> To be honest, I'd just assumed that NFS wouldn't do any locking on a
> read-only export.

If you are using Maildir format then there are no locks.  That makes
Maildir format the format of choice for use over NFS.  Here is a

  The maildir format uses one file per message and needs no file
  locking support in Postfix or in other mail software.

> ...Great, now I'm paranoid. Thanks, Ian. ;-) I guess I can go back and
> force the exports to ne NFS3 instead of NFS4 so I can explicitly state the
> nolocks option....

Paranoia is good.  But using Maildir format would also be okay too.


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