17.09.2014, 22:22, Reindl Harald kirjoitti:
> Am 17.09.2014 um 21:10 schrieb Jari Fredriksson:
>> What kind of simple load balancers are you using? I have been using just
>> DNS multiple address but that does not work any more. Something a *bit*
>> more intelligent is needed
> have you considered how to reduce the amount making it
> to SA at all? 3 weeks production turns out that most
> can be rejected by the MTA and so reduce the need
> of load balancing greatly

I do that + postgrey for email receivers that do not really want to
receive spam.
But personally *I* do want them, and I want them classified with spamd.
I collect spam
for SpamAssassin ruleqa corpus.

> in my case Postfix/Postscreen with a bundle of RBL's
> with different weight to avoid false positives and
> a honeypot-mx answering in any case with 450
> the honeypot-mx catchs a lot of botnet crap never
> connecting to the real MX and even if i saw enough
> not blocked by RBL's at the first connect but on
> the retry to the primary MX
> below some numbers from this week
> * per day around 3000 legit mail
> * SA blocked 949 messages
> * 67396 rejected by postscreen
> * 2791 rejected by postfix (making it through postscreen)
> * 66220 RBL rejects out of the 67396 postcreen ones
> * 1942 is crap talking too early (postscreen_greet_wait)
> in fact most connections are not making it to smtpd at all
> some of the DNSBL/DNSWL are internally ones or mirrored
> on a internal 'dnsrbld' to reduce WAN load, i would suggest
> looking at the postfix-docs for some options below
> _____________________________________________________________________
> postscreen_cache_retention_time      = 7d
> postscreen_bare_newline_ttl          = 7d
> postscreen_greet_ttl                 = 7d
> postscreen_non_smtp_command_ttl      = 7d
> postscreen_pipelining_ttl            = 7d
> postscreen_dnsbl_ttl                 = 15m
> postscreen_dnsbl_threshold           = 8
> postscreen_dnsbl_action              = enforce
> postscreen_greet_action              = enforce
> postscreen_greet_wait                = ${stress?2}${stress:10}s
> postscreen_whitelist_interfaces      = !<honeypot-ip>, static:all
> postscreen_dnsbl_sites = dnsbl.thelounge.net*16
>  dnsbl.sorbs.net=*8
>  zen.spamhaus.org=127.0.0.[10;11]*8
>  b.barracudacentral.org*7
>  dnsbl.inps.de*7
>  dnsbl.sorbs.net=*6
>  zen.spamhaus.org=127.0.0.[4..7]*6
>  bl.mailspike.net*4
>  bl.spamcop.net*4
>  bl.spameatingmonkey.net*4
>  dnsbl-ix.thelounge.net*4
>  dnsrbl.swinog.ch*4
>  zen.spamhaus.org=*4
>  dnsbl-surriel.thelounge.net*3
>  dnsbl-uce.thelounge.net*3
>  zen.spamhaus.org=*3
>  dnsbl.sorbs.net=*2
>  dnsbl.sorbs.net=*2
>  dnsbl-backscatterer.thelounge.net*1
>  dnswl-whitelisted-org.thelounge.net*-2
>  list.dnswl.org=127.0.[0..255].0*-2
>  dnswl-aggregate.thelounge.net=*-3
>  list.dnswl.org=127.0.[0..255].1*-3
>  list.dnswl.org=127.0.[0..255].2*-4
>  list.dnswl.org=127.0.[0..255].3*-5
>  dnswl-aggregate.thelounge.net=*-8
>  dnswl-aggregate.thelounge.net=*-16
>  dnswl-aggregate.thelounge.net=*-24
> _____________________________________________________________________
> spamfilter-general-stats.sh
> Connections:    84415
> Delivered:      9637
> Invalid User:   1427
> Rejected-1:     67396
> Rejected-2:     2791
> Blacklist:      66220
> Pregreet:       1942
> Protocol Error: 809
> Spamfilter:     949
> Virus:          52
> Helo:           152
> Subject:        10
> Attachment:     18
> Sender Blocked: 111
> Sender Invalid: 103
> Sender Spoofed: 509
> PTR Missing:    511
> PTR Generic:    144
> SPF:            1
> _____________________________________________________________________
> spamfilter-honeypot-stats.php
> Default-MX:         18535
> Honeypot-MX:         8774
> Honeypot-Only:       7321
> _____________________________________________________________________
> dnsblcount.sh
> spamhaus.org               40305
> barracudacentral.org       12764
> sorbs.net                   7407
> inps.de                     5407
> thelounge.net                185
> manitu.net                    63
> mailspike.net                 57
> spamcop.net                   21
> psbl.org                       7
> swinog.ch                      4
> spameatingmonkey.net           2
> uceprotect.net                 1
> =================================
> Total DNSBL rejections:     66223


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