Derek Harding wrote:
> Mail from me to goes into a black
> hole.

For help about that issue you should email the mailing list admin.
They are the human admins and can help you unsubscribe or debug the
problem.  The mailing list members cannot do this.

I am not one of the spamassassin mailing list admins but I am one of
the mailing list admins of another large site with 1,000+ lists.  When
in trouble email the human admin and not the mailing list members.
The mailing list members can't help you.  The mailing list admins are
the ones who can help you.

Generally mailing list admins can be reached at the -owner address.
That address takes the mailing list address and adds -owner to the end
of it.  The mailing list here is  To
reach the owner send to and it
should reach a human admin of the mailing list.  This is documented in
the help information for the mailing list.  It applies to most mailing
list management software.

> I didn't mention it before because the list is the only place to post and
> anyone posting unsubscribe questions on the list gets verbally berated and
> treated as though they're an idiot until they shut up (see the responses so
> far for examples).

The problem is that this is a technical mailing list that is concerned
with the technical details of email.  There is an expectation that
people on a technical mailing list about email will know how email
works.  Including how mailing lists since somehow everyone on the list
got themselves subscribed.  The unsubscription process is done
identically to subscription.  If you got on the list just do the exact
same thing to get off the list.  And if that doesn't work then contact
the mailing list admin at the -owner address.

So what do you do if you find yourself subscribed to a mailing list
but in reality you are not an email type of person?  You really would
rather just read web pages?  In that case use the web!  A quick web
search will find that uses the
infrastructure.  Here is the Apache page describing their mailing
lists.  It includes additional information for figuring out what
address you originally subscribed with and how to unsubscribe from a
different address.  Good stuff!

Including links to the ezmlm upstream documentation.  This is really
quite good documentation.  If the operation of the mailing
lists have been a mystery before then take a few minutes and read
through the manual.  It will remove the mystery and turn you into a mailing list expert.  Great stuff!

The most important takeaway is that if you have problems with a
mailing list then contact the mailing list owner at the -owner

Hope that helps someone!

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