--As of October 27, 2014 8:29:52 PM +0100, Robert Schetterer is alleged to have said:

by the way


always have a shellshock patched system these days with postfix/procmail

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Interesting.  I dug a bit further out of curiosity.

Postfix is irrelevant in this - Procmail is what needs to be looked at. More specifically, the rules that are being used; running procmail in and of itself doesn't allow this to be exploited, it's only if you have a procmail rule that sticks info into the environment (not uncommon) that it happens.

The default shell is the recipient's login shell - though that can be overridden in procmailrc.

I wouldn't rule out other LDA's from having similar problems without proof - but it's something to be aware of.

Daniel T. Staal

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