On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 23:30:28 -0500 (EST)
Derek Diget wrote:

> We have a department that has subscribed to a service in the cloud
> product that is sending email to us via our MX record.  The problem
> is that they appear to be using shared servers/IPs and thus every
> once in a while mail will source from an IP address that will cause
> it to score above 5. ...

> I would like to use whitelist_from_rcvd as the envelope from 
> (RFC5321.MailFrom) and sending system is not exactly static, but
> close enough that the globing should work.  The issue is that SA is
> running on our MXes via a milter and since SA (and these boxes) only
> see MX traffic, trusted_networks and/or internal_networks are empty.
> This causes the whitelist_from_rcvd to never fire.
> Our MTA does construct a synthetic "Received" header
> My question is how can I make this "Received" header "trusted" 

What makes you think it isn't? Most blocklists run on the last-external
IP address, the fact that it's being flagged as spam based on IP
address suggests it is.

Try adding the following to local.cf:

add_header all Relays-External          _RELAYSEXTERNAL_

The first section of this header should have the parsed information from
the MX server. Check that the ip and rdns fields are correct.

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