On 11/12/2014 09:20 AM, Niamh Holding wrote:

Hello Axb,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 7:48:53 PM, you wrote:

A> yum update -y && reboot

Nice downgrade of SA to  spamassassin.x86_64 0:3.3.1-4.el5 :(

ok.. not so tragic... Old centos, old SA version - form now on no more SA setup from yum

you'll have to do some manual work and the install SA 3.4 from source

save your /etc/mail/spamassassin directory

then do
yum remove spamassassin
before you say yes, make sure it doesn't remove any (for you) important dependencies

download SA 3.4 release source from the SA site

# perl Makefile.PL
(it may ask for extra modules - get these from rpmforge)

# make
# make install

you will need a spam init script - either write a new one or I can send you a sample.

check config compared with your old (saved) setup and you should be rocking in less than an hour.



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