On 10/01/2015 14:35, Jeff Mincy wrote:
use blacklist_to bogus_us...@mydomain.com ... This will lead to hits on 

That works perfectly to blacklist 'completely bogus' "To" addresses. Many thanks.

On 10/01/2015 14:36, Reindl Harald wrote:

it can work like below by let add postfix a custom header and use that as anchor for a SA rule

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/x_envelope_to.cf

/(.*)/ prepend X-Local-Envelope-To: <$1>

header CUST_LESS_SPAM_TO X-Local-Envelope-To =~ /^(\<h\.reindl\@thelounge\.net\>|\<UnwantedRubbish\@mydomain\.com\>)$/i
score     CUST_LESS_SPAM_TO  4.0
describe  CUST_LESS_SPAM_TO  Custom Scoring

I don't think I understand... Is this a strategy to allow me to reject emails to list-specific email addresses (in the absence of the expected "List-Id" header) - or something else?

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