On Sun, 19 Apr 2015 22:42:21 +0200
Mikael Syska <mik...@syska.dk> wrote:

> > I've been using SA for a log time now an it has always been working
> > perfectly well. It runs on a bunch of Postfix servers that handle
> > hundreds of thousands mails per day. I'm certainly not an SA guru
> > BTW.
> >
> > But since a few weeks SA has got picky on just a few people, just a
> > few mail addresses. As soon as they send a normal mail, SA
> > immediately puts a very high score of around 8 or so to it. I have
> > seen this only once in the past (a year or six ago) and putting the
> > address to the whitelist did the job.
> >
> > I can resolve these problems once again by adding the addresses to
> > the whitelist, but does anyone have an idea what's going on here?
> >
> First thing that comes to my mind ...
> What rules does these mails get hit by? :-)
> Hard de debug anything with almost no information.

Just tried today to see what happens and to produce some verbose logs. I
was quite surprised that everything went fine. Next time I'll post a
verbose message. Need to say that the machines had a reboot yesterday
due to a kernel update. But I don't think that has something to do with
the SA "problem".

Anyway: initially I was just eager to know if such problems occur once
in a while. To show the gravity of the problem:

1st time: 6 years ago (1 From: address)
2nd time: 2 months ago (1 From: address)
3rd time: last week (1 From: address)



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| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |

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