On 4/24/2015 1:10 PM, Forrest wrote:
> Since last night, suddenly Spamassassin/Milter is rejecting my own
> reports to Spamcop.  Out of nowhere and with no other changes
> other than downloading new rules.     Why is this happening?  
> Everything has been working for literally years.  
> spam.spamcop.net is whitelisted in both the system and
> user_prefs.  127 is a trusted network.
> The original message was received at Fri, 24 Apr 2015 14:06:23 -0400
> from account@localhost
>    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> submit.[omitted]@spam.spamcop.net
>     (reason: 550 5.7.1 Blocked by SpamAssassin)
>     (expanded from: submit.[omitted]@spam.spamcop.net)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> ... while talking to []:
>>>> DATA
> <<< 550 5.7.1 Blocked by SpamAssassin
> 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

There may be some clues in the rules that hit.  Check your logs.

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