On 5/15/2015 8:59 AM, Alex Regan wrote:

I do have a third party plugin that is calling uri_to_domain.
It is located at the following URL:


I'm mentioning this because the bug that was raised for this has the
following comment:

"KAM: Please let us know if you are using a 3rd party plugin because
      we'd like to make sure the authors noticed the change in 3.4.1."

Thanks, useful. If you have a chance please try the small patch there
(just adds the:  use Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::RegistrarBoundaries;
line in Util.pm) and see if it helps.

Yes, it does appear to silence the warning. I'm also using DecodeShortURLs. I'll update the ticket.

If you can please also open a ticket for the plugins you are using to update their code, that would be helpful as well.


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