On Jun 19, 2015, at 1:01 PM, David Jones <djo...@ena.com> wrote:

>> From: Philip Prindeville <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com>
>> On Jun 9, 2015, at 12:29 PM, John Hardin <jhar...@impsec.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 9 Jun 2015, David Jones wrote:
>>>> Some of the best and easiest things you can enable to block spam are
>>>> outside of SpamAssassin at your MTA (sendmail, postfix, etc.).
>>>> - Enable greylisting.  This is just about the only way you can block
>>>> zero-hour spam from compromised accounts that come from legit mail
>>>> servers before they get listed in RBLs.
>>> Just bear in mind some commercial organizations may be very hostile to 
>>> anything that delays delivery of mail, regardless of how much it would 
>>> reduce spam.
>>> Two things that I have found very useful at the MTA level are:
>>> (1) Delay sending your SMTP banner a second or two and reject any sender 
>>> that starts sending information before that. This is a built-in option in 
>>> Sendmail, google "greet_pause".
>>> (2) Check the HELO the other guy sends and reject if it's not a FQDN (i.e. 
>>> it's not got any periods at all). This probably shouldn't be done on mail 
>>> originating locally, but for mail coming in from the Internet the other MTA 
>>> should always be sending a FQDN in the HELO. A non-FQDN HELO is a pretty 
>>> good sign of a spambot sending from a compromised workstation or PC 
>>> directly to your MTA.
>>> I have some other MTA checks in place, but these two block the most.
>> We use MimeDefang and it actually calls SpamAssassin.  But before we accept 
>> connections (or email), we make a bunch of tests.
>> We use Geo::IP to block a bunch of ISP’s and countries that are hostile in 
>> filter_relay().
>> These include ColoCrossing, Enzu, Datashack, Proxad, WholesaleInternet, etc.
>> Then we apply more tests in filter_helo().  Note, these are only for 
>> connections that arrive on port 25, not on port 587
>> (which is for local clients to submit, and is authenticated with a 
>> username/password pair).
>> We accept connections from with no further checks.
>> We block anyone saying HELO \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ because it’s missing the 
>> required brackets.  We block any bracketed >dotted quads that have an 
>> invalid quad (i.e. 300.300.300.300) or where the address they claim to be 
>> from is different >from the actual address we’re seeing (no one behind a 
>> NATting firewall should be connecting to us unless they know their >[static] 
>> external address).
>> We block anyone listed by ZenBL.
>> We block (a) anyone claiming to be us, (b) anyone claiming to be “localhost” 
>> or “localhost.localdomain”.
>> We block a list of names that are always fraudulent, like “paypal.com” 
>> (without any subdomains), or >“smtp.communitel.net” which seems to get 
>> spoofed a LOT, or “mail.com” or “mail.ru”.  We block hostnames that don’t 
>> >have a domain (no dots).
>> Lastly, we TEMPFAIL hosts that don’t have valid rDNS mappings (including the 
>> A and PTR records not agreeing).
>> With this, we avoid ever accepting about 98% of the SPAM that we’d otherwise 
>> receive.
> Good information.  Thanks for taking the time to document it for this list.
> How many mailboxes do you filter with this configuration?

Not that many.  About 20.

But I’m on a LOT of high volume mailing lists (like mozilla-general and netdev) 
that get heavily spammed.


>> -Philip

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