As I state in the subject, for some unknown reason spam is getting through in 
excess of the required threshold, in some cases WAY above like this: spam=YES 
score=103.60 required=6.00

I've been using spamassassin on freebsd ever since it first came out and quite 
familiar with how to set it up. My OS platform and SA version:
freebsd-9.3px and spamassassin-3.4 with sendmail-8.15

I need to get control somehow and wondering if I could get some help on a small 
script that would force any incoming message showing a score above the 
required=6.00 threshold to be dropped into the spam folder?

In other words, something like required=6.00 compared to emails with the 
reported score that exceeds the "6.00"
Some syntax that looks for a score < 6.00 = spam. If I could get the /bin/sh 
shell scripting for that comparision and condition I would be greatful. Alas, I 
am script-challenged but can understand them once I see the proper syntax. Have 
written many useful ones but am stuck on this small aspect.

Would appreciate any help!

Warmest regards,
Mark Chino

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