On 7/15/2015 4:12 PM, Zinski, Steve wrote:
We're starting to see a lot of spam in the 800KB to 1.2MB size range. I’m
running MIMEdefang and it’s configured to skip messages larger than 100KB (and
I hesitate to increase the limit due to performance issues). I read somewhere
that there’s a way to have MIMEdefang (or spamassassin) strip out the non-text
portions of the e-mail and scan. Can anyone help me set this up or point me in
the right direction? Thanks!
See http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/spamassassin/users/191839 for
some ideas on the matter but basically I build another copy of the email
truncated and/or removing parts I don't want to scan to get to a file
size I want to scan. You could look at doing that with MIME::Tools or
just hard truncate the copy at a specific size.